Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Citizenship Pin #1: 1. Write a letter to your newspaper about an issue that concerns you. Send your letter by mail or e-mail.

This is the letter that I just sent to the editor of the Macomb Daily. It is the first letter I've sent from my new email account.

June 15, 2010

Dear Editor,

My name is Rory and I am 10 years old and I really love the weather, which the fire from the oil explosion caused to pollute and I also love marine life, so this is basically the worst thing that has ever happened in my life. I really want to kick the trash out of who caused the oil spill because they killed thousands of fish and now dead dolphins are washing up on the shore and thousands of pelicans are getting poisoned and they act like they don’t care. They have created, I’d say, the worst oil spill in history and people should stop using BP’s gas stations because of what they did.

In all my years of having low kidney function and a bladder condition, it’s gonna be even worse than that for all of the fish, dolphins and pelicans in the Gulf of Mexico.
We need to build a big wall around it and take hay and anything else that absorbs oil and throw it into the inside of the wall. It will absorb all the oil and then we can pick it up. While we do this we should use all the other gas stations, except for BP’s gas stations.



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