Saturday, March 9, 2013

Animal Science, Activity 5

Mom says: I told Rory that he needed to keep this video short, because I'm running out of memory on my phone and it tends to cut us off at the 2 minute mark. But here is Rory giving a general explanation of the care required by horses.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rory, It's your cousin Linda. Good job with your knowledge of horses. I have a couple more questions for you. First, can you tell me about a horse's hooves. What are they make of, how do they grow, and how often should a horse have his hooves trimmed? Second, how do veterinarians determine how old a horse is? Third, what is the average age that a horse will live? Thank you again for a wonderful presentation and I look forward to your answers to these questions.
    Love, Linda
