Monday, June 14, 2010

Family Member #2: Make a Chart Showing the Jobs You and Other Family Members Can Do at Home.

This is the chart I made with my mom. I did NOT like loading the dirty dishes at all today so I decided that I can be in charge of unloading the clean ones and my sister can be in charge of loading up the gross, dirty dishes. But I have to put dirty clothes in the washer, so it's fair. Besides, that means that I get to use the washing machine and put in the soap which is way more fun.

- Swiffer the Living Room
- Unload the Dishwasher
- Load the Washing Machine
- Pick up 10 Things and Put them Away

- Swiffer/Mop the Kitchen
- Wipe Down Bathroom Surfaces
- Load the Dishwasher
- Pick up 10 Things and Put them Away

- Wipe Down Kitchen Surfaces
- Dry, Unload and Fold Laundry
- Vacuum Bedroom
- Dust
- Pick up 10 Things and Put them Away

- Mow the Grass
- Take Out the Garbage
- Set up Dialysis
- Put Away Folded Laundry
- Pick up 10 Things and Put them Away

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