Sunday, June 13, 2010

Traveler #4: Take a Trip with a Parent to a Place That Interests You

My Dad and I drove to Muskegon to spend the night on a real World War 2 submarine, named the Silversides!

That's the war room. Somebody got an emergency surgery on this table during the middle of an attack on the sub. Only one person died on this whole sub. And it wasn't the guy who had hte surgery!

This is a picture of the one person who died. This plaque was put on the place exactly where he was shot by a machine gun. He was a lookout.

This is the whole entire deck but not really the whole thing. It was big.

This is a view of Lake Michigan. But it's not really important to the story.

This is a picture of me and my fellow cub scout looking at the lake, thinking about when those sea gulls will poop.

This is a picture of a GIANT gun on a coast guard submarine. And WOW it was big.

That was a tiny back up ship on land disarmed, of course. It was the smallest kind there. The others were SOOO big they were bigger than the submarine.

I do not know what this is. My dad just took a picture of it.

This is where they made their food. Where they ate was right next door and they had videos.

This is the main operating room. The big wheel is one of the hatches for the boat, I think. And the tube-shaped thing on the left is a compass.

This is where the injured people slept. That's what that big cross box is. We did not sleep in here though.

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