Friday, June 25, 2010

Weather Pin #2: Describe a potentially dangerous weather condition in your community. Discuss safety precautions and procedures for dealing with it.

Some of our lakes sometimes flood, which can cause flash floods. In order to stay safe, you need to get up to the highest area. Or, if you're in a car, quickly shut all of your car doors and windows. Unless you're in a convertible, because then you're dead meat. You need to stay out of flood waters unless you have the right equipment. If you're a really good swimmer, you might think it's okay to go out but there are very dangerous things in flood waters like aggressive fish, sticks and rocks and debris from things that were broken in the floodwater. If you live near an ocean, there might be coral in the water too, which can cut you badly. If you know that a flash flood is possible, you should have a supply of food and water handy and a lifeboat and life jackets if you can get them. If you hear warnings about flash floods, stay away from the lakes. But if there are no warnings at all and the weather is okay, you can play in it. And if you're already in a boat when the flash flood happens, you might be safe then, because the water should just carry you up. But it's still safest to get away from the water and up as high as you can when you hear the flash flood warnings.

PS- If you live near Mt. St. Helens, stay away from it, because it might errupt again. But if you live near the Gulf of Mexico, don't worry about the oil. Worry about the hurricane that might come and throw it all up onto the land.

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