A digital scrapbook tracking the work of one Cub Scout, as he progresses through the Scouting ranks.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Pet Care Pin #1: Visit an animal shelter. Explain the reasons why pets are in the animal shelter to your den or family.

Pet Care Belt Loop #1: 1. Care for your pet for two weeks. Make a list of the tasks that you did to take care of your pet.
Pet Care Pin #3: Tell three ways that animals can help people.

Fish help restaurants look cool by floating around in fish tanks (especially salt water kinds) and bringing in business because kids want their parents to bring them there to eat so they can see the fish.
Spiders help keep flies and other insects from taking over the world. If we didn't have spiders, there would be so many flies that we would NOT want to live on this planet anymore. Same thing with birds. Birds help keep the flies and other insects from taking over the world too.
Pet Care Belt Loop #2: Visit a pet store. Make a list of the different animals in the store and the kinds of foods they eat
Cats eat cat food.
Dogs eat dog food.
Fish eat fish food.
Parrots eat bird food.
Snakes eat mice.
Mice eat anything!
Tarantula's which eat flies, crickets and other insects. Same for female tarantulas. But if it's a bird eating spider, it eats mice.
Lizards eat bugs.
Turtles eat small fish.
Frogs eat crickets.
Disabilities Awareness Belt Loop #2: Attend a disabilities event such as an Easter Seals event, Special Olympics or similar event
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Communications Belt Loop #3: Read a book that has been approved by your parent or teacher. Discuss the book with an adult.

Communications Pin #2: Listen to a news story on television or the radio. Discuss the information with an adult.

Art Belt Loopp #1: 1. Make a list of common materials used to create visual art compositions.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Sportsman #1: Show the signals used by officials in one of these sports: football, basketball, baseball, soccer, or hockey
Sportsman Badge #2: Explain what good sportsmanship means.
Weather Pin #2: Describe a potentially dangerous weather condition in your community. Discuss safety precautions and procedures for dealing with it.
PS- If you live near Mt. St. Helens, stay away from it, because it might errupt again. But if you live near the Gulf of Mexico, don't worry about the oil. Worry about the hurricane that might come and throw it all up onto the land.
Weather Pin #5: 4. Make a report to your den or family on a book about weather.

Weather Pin #1: 1. Explain to your den or an adult family member the meaning of these terms: weather, humidity, precipitation, temperature, and wind.
humidity: the water that's in the air.
precipitation: It's when the water in the air falls out of the air, as mist, or rain, or snow.
temperature: It's how hot or cold something or somewhere is.
wind: Is when the air moves.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Fitness #7: Tell an adult member of your family what drugs could do to your body and how they would affect your ability to think clearly.

Fitness #6: Tell an adult member of your family four reasons why you should not use alcohol and how it could affect you.

1) Because it makes your drunk and idiotic, like in the show the Simpsons, when Barney and Homer get drunk they get arrested a lot for drunk driving and that stuff.
2) When you drink too much alcohol, you make poor choices and end up doing things that embarass you later.
3) Alcohol is not good for your body. It can kill you if you drink too much of it.
4) If you drive after drinking too much alcohol, you can crash and wreck your car or hurt someone.
Fitness Badge #5: Tell an adult member of your family about the bad effects smoking or chewing tobacco would have on your body.

If you haven't seen them, here are the commercials: http://www.dontpassgas.com/psa.swf
Fitness Badge #1: With your parent, guardian, or Webelos den leader, complete the Health and Fitness Character Connection.

It's important to be healthy because it feels bad to be sick. When you're sick, your body feels like you're about to puke out your intestines. And when you stay healthy, you are able to do anything like baseball, skateboard, and playing with your friends (unless they're sick too).
It's important to be clean because being dirty can make you sick.
It's important to be fit because you'd get lazy if you don't exercise, which can make you fat. If you have too much fat on your body, you can get sick and it makes your body harder to keep up. Your heart has to work harder to keep you alive.
Commit: Tell when it is difficult for you to stick with good health habits. Tell where you can go to be with others who encourage you to be healthy, clean, and fit.
When you're dirty you feel so free, that it's not always fun to take a bath. But my parents, cub scout friends and my doctors and nurses encourage me to stay clean and that makes me healthy.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Communications Pin #4: 1. With an adult, use the Internet to search for information on a topic of interest to you.
Here is the website I used: http://www.tornadoproject.com/alltorns/mitorn.htm
Video Game Pin #5: 5. Choose a game you might like to purchase. Compare the price for this game at three stores. Decide which has the best deal.

Video Games Pin #1: 1. With your parents, create a plan to buy a video game that is right for your age group.
1) We will go to GameStop and pre-order the game, so that will hold it for us.
2) I will pay for half of the cost of the game with money from my savings.
3) I will pay for the other half of the cost by scooping the kitty litter for one week.
4) Then, when the game comes out, I know that they will hold a copy for me because we pre-ordered it.
I know that Harry Potter Lego is a good game for my age group because it's rated E 10+.
Bicycling Belt Loop #1-3 (All Requirements!)
Always wear a helmet. If you are so good that you can do tricks, do as many as you can because it will help you do better and eventually you'd become a pro. Always ride your bike on the sidewalk, unless you're 11. Always look out for cars or trains and if you're riding your bike in an airport street because you can get carsick, watch out for giant airplane tires. (Mom's note: I totally disavow the utter randomness of that last sentence) Ring your bell to alert people that you are there, so you don't get hit. Use proper hand signals to show other people which way you are turning and always look stop at corners and look both ways before you go across a street.
2. Demonstrate how to wear the proper safety equipment for bicycling.
If you are going to be riding your bike around your neighborhood, you need to wear a helmet. If you are going to be doing stunts like 360's, you need to also wear kneepads and elbow pads.
3. Show how to ride a bike safely. Ride for at least half an hour with an adult partner, your family, or den.
(Biked to Schoenherr Grocery and back with parents, 6/19/10)
Weather Belt Loop #3: Watch the weather forecast on a local television station. Discuss what you saw. Follow up by discussing the forecast's accuracy.
Weather Belt Loop #1: Make a Poster of the Water Cycle
Disabilities Awareness #2: Visit with a friend with disabilities. Find out what this person enjoys and what they find difficult.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Heritages Belt Loop #3: Draw a family tree showing members of your family for three generations.
Weather Pin #5: Explain the differences between tornadoes and hurricanes.
Tornado's and hurricanes both start out as a simple cloud, but when hot and cold air meet, they form a giant vortex that will pick up anything in it's path and throw up. And did you know that a simple F1 vortex can jump a mile?? And that's the weakest kind of vortex.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Disabilities Awareness Pin #2: Explain how your school helps students with disabilities
I think that this school is the best school in the world because it got rated 8 out of 10 in the ratings website and because they do a lot to help their students with disabilities.
Artist #7: Use clay to sculpt a simple subject

Artist Requirement #4: Draw or paint a picture outdoors, frame it for your bedroom.
Video Games Pin #2: List at least five tips that would help someone who was learning how to play your favorite video game.

Skateboarding Pin #4: View a skateboarding video.

It had guys in Germany and France and England talking about skateboarding. But then I found this one on Youtube and we put it on my blog because I think it's a lot more exciting than the other one.
Citizenship Pin #1: 1. Write a letter to your newspaper about an issue that concerns you. Send your letter by mail or e-mail.
June 15, 2010
Dear Editor,
My name is Rory and I am 10 years old and I really love the weather, which the fire from the oil explosion caused to pollute and I also love marine life, so this is basically the worst thing that has ever happened in my life. I really want to kick the trash out of who caused the oil spill because they killed thousands of fish and now dead dolphins are washing up on the shore and thousands of pelicans are getting poisoned and they act like they don’t care. They have created, I’d say, the worst oil spill in history and people should stop using BP’s gas stations because of what they did.
In all my years of having low kidney function and a bladder condition, it’s gonna be even worse than that for all of the fish, dolphins and pelicans in the Gulf of Mexico.
We need to build a big wall around it and take hay and anything else that absorbs oil and throw it into the inside of the wall. It will absorb all the oil and then we can pick it up. While we do this we should use all the other gas stations, except for BP’s gas stations.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Video Game Belt Loop: Explain the Rating System

Family Member #13: Explain Why Garbage and Trash Must Be Disposed of Properly
Family Member #2: Make a Chart Showing the Jobs You and Other Family Members Can Do at Home.
- Swiffer the Living Room
- Unload the Dishwasher
- Load the Washing Machine
- Pick up 10 Things and Put them Away
- Swiffer/Mop the Kitchen
- Wipe Down Bathroom Surfaces
- Load the Dishwasher
- Pick up 10 Things and Put them Away
- Wipe Down Kitchen Surfaces
- Dry, Unload and Fold Laundry
- Vacuum Bedroom
- Dust
- Pick up 10 Things and Put them Away
- Mow the Grass
- Take Out the Garbage
- Set up Dialysis
- Put Away Folded Laundry
- Pick up 10 Things and Put them Away
Artist #5: Using a Computer, Make 6 Original Designs (1 of 2)

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Outdoorsman #4: With a Parent, Camp Overnight with a Boy Scout Toop. Sleep in a Tent You Helped Pitch.

These are two animals that I got to touch. I think my favorite was the snake, because it always smiled for the camera. And I like the alligator a lot because I think he likes me.

ANd there was also a remote controlled truck derby. I kept crashing into other cars and once I hooked up onto one of hte other cars and then when they didn't let go, mine flew right over it and theirs flipped over. THen I hit another one and it flipped over and fell out of the stadium. Mine is the red one there.

THis is me with the bopper I bought. Kicking butt. They had them on sale for five dollars and if you weren't able to buy one, they had ones you could borrow.
Traveler #4: Take a Trip with a Parent to a Place That Interests You

My Dad and I drove to Muskegon to spend the night on a real World War 2 submarine, named the Silversides!

That's the war room. Somebody got an emergency surgery on this table during the middle of an attack on the sub. Only one person died on this whole sub. And it wasn't the guy who had hte surgery!

This is a picture of the one person who died. This plaque was put on the place exactly where he was shot by a machine gun. He was a lookout.

This is the whole entire deck but not really the whole thing. It was big.

This is a picture of me and my fellow cub scout looking at the lake, thinking about when those sea gulls will poop.

This is a picture of a GIANT gun on a coast guard submarine. And WOW it was big.

That was a tiny back up ship on land disarmed, of course. It was the smallest kind there. The others were SOOO big they were bigger than the submarine.

This is the main operating room. The big wheel is one of the hatches for the boat, I think. And the tube-shaped thing on the left is a compass.